.. _data: Data Model ********** Data fed into :code:`aneris` is assumed to be so-called wide-style panel data. Within the code base, standard Pandas :code:`DataFrame`s are used. When using the CLI, Excel spreadsheets or csvs are supported. Variable Names ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The most important data underlying harmonizations are timeseries. Timeseries are defined by a Variable and a number of Data columns for each timestep in the timeseries. Variable names are assumed to follow the IAMC style and have the form: .. code-block:: bash |Emissions||| - **prefix**: a designation for the current study (e.g., "CEDS") - **gas**: the emissions species (e.g., "BC") - **sector**: the emissions sector (e.g., "Transportation") - **suffix**: a designation for raw-model data (e.g., "Unharmonized") Importantly, **model data variable names must match historical data variable names exactly**. Unharmonized IAM Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Data from IAMs is expected to be in the following format with a sheetname "data". .. exceltable:: Example Model Input :file: ../tests/test_data/model.xls :header: 1 :selection: A1:I4 If overrides are provided, they are expected to be in the following formay with a sheetname "harmonization". .. exceltable:: Example Harmonization Overrides :file: ../tests/test_data/model.xls :sheet: 1 Additionally, configuration parameters (described in :ref:`config`) can be set by two columns titled "Configuration" and "Value" in the harmonization sheet. Historical Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Historical data is expected to be in the following format .. exceltable:: Example Historical Data :file: ../tests/test_data/history.xls :header: 1 :selection: A1:I4 Regional Definitions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Data for regional mappings (countries to IAM regions) is expected to be in the following format .. csv-table:: Example Regional Definitions :file: ../tests/test_data/regions.csv :header-rows: 1