About Decent Living Standards

Adequate calories, protein, vitamins and minerals Refrigerator Adequate lumens per m2 Temperature 18/26 C Summer/Winter, Relative Humidity: 55%-65% Access to media Mobile phone Clean stove (Gas or electric) Flushable toilet Adequate (+hot) water for drinking and washing Communal washing facilities Public space Motorized transport Minimum Life expectancy, Maximum infant mortality Primary and lower secondary education Public transport infrastructure Utilities networks Utilities networks

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Current measures of human development, such the Human Development Index (income, life expectancy, literacy), or the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) inadequately measure the extent of human deprivation, particularly with regard to the means that enable basic human well-being. These requirements need to available and affordable to all.

We propose a Decent Living Standard, which entails material requirements at the household, community and national scale.

For more details on the rationale for these standards see:

Rao, N. & Min, J. (2017). Decent Living Standards: material prerequisites for human wellbeing. Social Indicators Research, 1-20, DOI: 10.1007/s11205-017-1650-0.

Click on any country in the map to see its progress toward Decent Living.