Technical requirements

Getting started…

A high-quality desktop computer or laptop is sufficient for most purposes using the ix modeling platform.

  • For new users:
    Please set up a GitHub account ( and get familiar with forking and cloning repositories, as well as pulling, committing and pushing changes.
    We recommend GitKraken ( for users who prefer a graphical user interface application to work with Github (as opposed to the command line).
  • A Python installation is required for the installation scripts. For novice users, we recommend to install Anaconda and Spyder (, version 3.6 or higher.
    No advanced knowledge of Python is required for getting started with the ix modeling platform.
  • For using GAMS to solve numerical optimisation problems, you need to install the latest version of GAMS (in particular 24.8 or higher). If you do only have a license for an older version, install both the older and the latest version of GAMS.

Scientific programming interface

The scientific programming interface can be used either through Python or R:

  • Python: for novice users, we recommend to install Anaconda and Spyder ( There are no known issues with the programming interface regarding Python 2.7 vs. 3.6 or higher.
    The following package is required: jpype1
  • R: visit the Comprehensive R Archive Network (
    and install the R editor of your choice.
    The following package is required: rJava.

Installation and dependencies

Please follow the instructions in the README.